Monocacy Mills
Apple is a wether, and he and his twin sister Shelley are twins, born September 26, 2011. They are Bluefaced Leicester cross, with gorgeous natural color wool. Apple is as friendly as a sheep can get, coming up to all and hoping for some, well, apple slices.
Windswept Gold, a registered Shetland, was born April 4, 2004. She was given to us by Sheila Konopa of Blissfields Farm when they decided to downsize. She is bossy and bold. Her wool is a golden natural color.
Rosemary is an Icelandic orignally from Tamarack farm in Pennsylvania. She was adopted from Mike Gagin of Maryland who retired from farming. She has long soft double-coated wool.
Lavender is a registered Shetland, born April 25, 2008. She is of course, not lavender, but black! She is very sweet and gentle, also from Blissfields Farm.
Roscoe is an Icelandic wether originally from Tamarack Farm in Pennsylvania. He was adopted from Mike Gagin of Maryland who retired from farming. He is very sweet and has lovely wool.